The 3 Keys to Maximizing your CRM

The 3 Keys to Maximizing your CRM

The world of CRM in business is saturated with failed implementations, that amongst all the marketing hype do not get anywhere close to the expectations of the paying customer, you. Here at Purely CRM we see this all the time, a large part of working with a new client and implementing Dynamics 365 CRM normally starts with redesigning processes that were normally incorrectly deployed by internal OT or others.

It is important to note that both the buyer and the seller together are responsible for a successful implementation that will truly bring value to your company’s bottom line. This is where Purely CRM becomes your most valuable asset. While it is common knowledge that Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM is one of the most advanced CRM systems on the market with the largest track record of companies increasing their growth and value in whatever market they are operating in, without a professional implementor any and all CRM systems will fall short.

Our value is in translating your needs into tangible outcomes from your shiny new Dynamics CRM and educating your work force on best practices.

Below are three keys for success in getting the most value out of your CRM.

white boat on a body of water

1. Understand that you do not simply turn your CRM “ON”

A successful CRM program is 30% technology, 30% process and 40% people. Your processes and business goals need to be clearly communicated to your sales team, customer engagement team or whichever team Dynamics 365 CRM is improving. Your CRM will not be creating goals for you, but it will help you achieve those goals in faster times with effective processes. Be prepared with expected outcomes that your whole team is behind, and make clear the handful of useful tools that your CRM can offer to help them achieve that growth,

2. Internal diagnosing will cause more headaches than solutions.

So your company has an IT department? Yes? Fantastic! Are they CRM implementors with 20+ years experience diagnosing a specific CRM software? Probably not. Expecting your IT department to take care of everything from restarting the office router to optimizing your detailed CRM is a stretch. This is where the expected value of your shiny new CRM will start to lose its appeal. Make sure you are taking the time and investing in the right team to not only diagnose but optimize your CRM. The initial investment will pay off large in the long run.

3. Define the business value of your CRM

If you’re a manufacturer and your machinery is making you money, you have a very clear understanding and expectation of how much capital your machine should be producing, at what rate and to which cost. If it ceases to operate or slow down, you can guarantee you and your team will be made aware, and all should understand the circumstances. The same should ring true for your CRM. Your organization should have a deep understanding of metrics that indicate the effectiveness of your technology. Having an effective CRM means bringing that technology into your company’s culture.

Your CRM is a journey of optimizing. It an organic circle of CRM produces growth, company faces new challenges, CRM adapts to optimize on new challenges and opportunities. Having a team of experts like the ones here at Purely CRM, can very quickly become one of your greatest assets. Shedding insights and capabilities that can work alongside your company’s growth, getting you to the top faster.

Purely CRM has experience implementing Microsoft Dynamics across the globe in multiple industries with different demands. As a team we have been involved in Dynamics CRM since Version 1.0 which dates back to the early 2000’s and brings a combined 50+ years of experience. Purely CRM has made the strategic decision to solely focus on Microsoft Dynamics CRM and we are not looking back.

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